Night Shift
Conceived originally as my senior thesis project, Night Shift follows the story of a few cryptid friends as they explore abandoned or closed manmade spaces. The characters of Biggy, Mothy, Squonky, Flatz, and Tsuki exist in a world made for human beings, yet never encounter one, and simply aren’t made for those spaces.

Why Cryptids?
The use of cryptids for the characters functions on multiple layers. First and foremost, I have been a fan of these creatures for a long time. Many major parts of my life are followed or marked by the presence of these dubious animals. In college, I finally realized why I loved cryptids so dearly— I found them relatable.
As someone who belongs to many minority groups, and yet doesn’t fit in any clean or neat boxes, I found the idea of a creature that may or may not exist fascinating. As a biracial, invisibly disabled, many-labeled queer person, I often see discussions about these identities of mine, where people almost seem to forget that someone like me actually does exist, and isn’t just a “bad trope” in media. When I see someone say “well the mothman is definitely just an owl,” I feel that I understand the mothman. I know this experience, and I’ll express it through these cryptid characters.